Friday, February 13, 2009


So last night Oren needed me to open a new tissue box and I told him to get one from under my bathroom sink. He picks one up and says, "Um, Emily...did you know you purchased this box with Hanna Montana on it?" Well. I gasped in horror. Not a big fan of Hanna Montana/Miley Cirus. I think she has slim to no talent and is just plain out annoying. For no particular reason, I have a very strong aversion to her.

So, Oren and I sat there brainstorming for about three minutes as to what we should do about this dilemma. Yes it's a dilemma for me OK???

After covering several options, I got my Sharpie permanent marker out and gave Oren full rights to use whatever inspiration came to him to do with the pen and tissue box. With about 10 minutes of cracking up to the point of tears and a few suggestions on my is the result.

This photo is not meant in any way to offend any sector of the Jewish population. We were just being silly and trying to make Hanna Montana look better. If anything, it's a compliment.


  1. That's seriously awesome! Give Oren a high five and a beer for me. Comedy gold!

  2. That is super funny! What's also funny is that you and I think alike. I almost bought that same damn box, and luckily saw the little W in time not to buy it;-) Can we just have a cute, pink Kleenex box without obnoxious pop stars on it? Ha!
